Reimagining Community Sports Fields for the Future

In a recent article, CSMRE faculty affiliate, Brian McCullough, teamed with colleagues to develop a framework aimed at better leveraging community sports fields. They suggest (1) identifying and mapping the network of users; (2) pinpointing the ways to communicate well within that network; (3) identifying the factors that influence decisions made by each group; and (4) finding ways to optimize the returns and trade-offs. The authors note that “findings should promote and catalyze dialogue between diverse stakeholders to assist with making the complex decisions for these important public spaces.”


Straw, C. M., McCullough, B. P., Segars, C., Daher, B., & Patterson, M. S. (2021). Reimagining Sustainable Community Sports Fields of the Future: a Framework for Convergent Science-Stakeholder Decision-Making. Circular Economy and Sustainability.


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